Main views in his own words
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as in an adventure
a mission
a trial
an election
or an experiment
earthly life appears to be something
to which one committed oneself
before finding oneself in the human condition
accepting in anticipation
whatever difficult
or dramatic aspects it might bring
aspects that are especially likely in an epoch like the presentin these terms we can define and accept
a principle of responsibility and "loyalty"
without external
"heteronomous" references
everyone knows that sooner or later the end will come
so that when facing every contingency
it is more valuable to try to decipher the hidden meaning
the part that it has in a context that according to our view
is not alien to us
but proceeds from our transcendental will
today's typical forms of activity
are almost all anodyne
they engage "neuter" faculties
of a predominately intellectual and practical order
that have no specific relation to either sex
or even to any particular race or nationality
and are exercised under the sign of the absurdity
that characterizes all the systems of contemporary society
in the quaternary correspondences in man
first of all has to be mentioned the power of the earth element
in the 'petrification' of the spiritual world
created by the bodily senses
in the breaking of contacts
in perception conditioned by the dualistic law of I-not-I
it is the power of salt that operates (in hermetic symbolism salt=body=stone=earth)
so the power of earth in man will be that
which forces on him
via the physical body
the materialistic vision of the world
and fire
as states of physical matter
are no more than correspondences
-tangibly symbolic
of the true elements
called "living" by the hermetic masters
in themselves
they are other existential states
other modalities of consciousness
quite separate from the body
that can transpose all the principles of things
according to their noncorporeal nature
just as in the corporeal existence
in the terrestrial body
all principles are analogously transposed
and known by their manifestations
in the earth element
the other elements
beyond earth
which together constitute the "philosopher's heaven"
can only be apprehended by a consciousness
different from that which comes from the body
even if such consciousness has been perfected
by all the expedients of modern science
the principle of this knowledge is "like is known by like"
and here again the premise is
that in the essentiality of man
are also contained the essences of all the other elements
that is
the potentiality of other states of consciousness
apart from that under the spell of the earth element
so whoever worships another divinity than his self
'he is one and I another'
he knows not
he is like a sacrificial animal for the gods
a man who knows the true meaning of the teachings
becomes fit for union with ultimate reality
even while he remains here in this world
no matter what stage of life he is in
those who read the books
are better than those who do not know them
those who remember them are better than those who read them
those who understand them are better than those who remember them
and those who put them into action
are better than those who understand them
our work is the conversion and change
of one being into another being
as from one thing into another thing
from debility to strength
from corporeality to spirituality
V. I. T. R. I. O. L.
"Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem"
(pass through the bowels of the earth and by rectifying thou wilt find the hidden stone)